Since joining Seattle Galvanizing in 2019, Jason has rapidly advanced from his initial role as PM Shift Pickler to his current position as the PM Shift Assistant Manager. Demonstrating a strong ambition for growth from day one, he has proven to be an invaluable and reliable team member. Known for his eagerness to share knowledge with new employees, Jason continues to embody a growth-oriented mindset, contributing significantly to both his personal development and the progress of the company.
Favorite Part of Job
I relish working outdoors in the open air, especially handling tasks in the wire-up department. The manual labor aspect is particularly fulfilling for me.
Advice for New Employees
Ensure consistent attendance and strive to learn something new every day.
Favorite Sport
Favorite Team
Green Bay Packers
Hobbies Outside of Work
My hobbies include playing with and spending quality time with my children.