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Wes originally joined Seattle Galvanizing during our Ballard era, then ventured East for a period, working with another galvanizer, before returning to our team in 2021. His comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of the galvanizing process makes him an invaluable asset, especially in critical situations where quick problem-solving is essential. Wes's ability to efficiently address and resolve issues, coupled with his strong leadership skills, makes him an exemplary team member and a highly respected figure in the organization.

Favorite Part of Job

I thrive on problem-solving and collaborating with a great team.

Advice for New Employees

Apply yourself diligently and aim to learn quickly.

Favorite Sport

Racing, with a fondness for Kasey Kahne and Dale Earnhardt.

Favorite Team

Seattle Seahawks.

Hobbies Outside of Work

I enjoy resting and riding motorcycles in my free time.

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Wes Greene